Minggu, 14 Februari 2016

Keyboard Shortcut Pada Android OS PC

ANDROID, System Operasi berbasis Linux untuk smartphone dan tablet yang sangat populer saat ini di kalangan masyarakat luas. 
Namun saat ini tidak hanya smartphone yang bisa dijalankan android, namun PC sudah bisa.
Sepertihalnya Windows, karena sama-sama menggunakan keyboard kali ini saya akan berbagi pengetahuan tentang tombol pintas ( shortcut ) pada android OS .

At the home screen:
POWER = Press power one time = SUSPEND,  Press power 2 times in less than 1 second = SHUTDOWN
ESC = Go Back
ALT+F1 = Open Console
ALT+F7  = Back to the System UI.
ALT+TAB = Show recent apps, select the app releasing TAB and pressing again holding ALT key.
CTRL+W = Set Wallpaper
CTRL+P  = Open Settings.
CTRL+M = Manage Apps.
WindowsKEY+E = Send a E-mail.
WindowsKEY+P = Open the Google Music Player.
WindowsKEY+A = Open Calculator.
WindowsKEY+S = Send a SMS/MMS.
WindowsKEY+L = Open Calendar.
WindowsKEY+C = Open Contacts (People).
WindowsKEY+B = Open Web Browser.
WindowsKEY+M = Open Google Maps.
WindowsKEY+SPACE = Open Search.
 Rotating the screen: (to get that operate we must to have activated “Auto-rotate screen”)
Press F12 two times in less than 2 seconds = Rotate 90º to the LEFT.
Press F11  two times in less than 2 seconds = Rotate 90º to the RiGHT.
Press F10 two times in less than 2 seconds = Rotate 180º.
Press F9   two times in less than 2 seconds = Normal view 0/360º.
In the Web Browser:
CTRL+N = new tab.
CTRL+I = Zoom-in on page.
CTRL+O = zoom-out on page.
CTRL+J = open download manager.
CTRL+R = refresh current page.
CTRL+F = find on page.
CTRL+B = open bookmarks.
CTRL+H= view browsing history.
CTRL+D = add bookmarks.
CTRL+S = open social network sharing menu.
CTRL+G = page info.
CTRL+P = open browser settings.
CTRL+W = closes the current open tab.
Space = Page Down on web page / view document.
Shift+Space = Page Up web page / view document.

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